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Syria to Receive Delegation of Palestinian Factions, Including Hamas

Hamas representatives will visit Syria after a delegation completes a visit to Algeria, according to al-Watan.
Syria to Receive Delegation of Palestinian Factions, Including Hamas

Al-Watan learned that Damascus will receive, in the next few days, a delegation that includes Palestinian resistance factions, including representatives of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas–specifically from the resistance wing and not the Brotherhood wing. This comes after Hamas recently issued a statement that affirmed its “appreciation for Syria’s leadership and people, and for its role in standing by the Palestinian people and their just cause,” and its determination to build and develop solid relations with them in Syria. 

According to the information, Hamas representatives will visit Syria after a delegation completes a visit to Algeria. The visit aimed to discuss reconciliation with the national liberation movement Fatah, led by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. According to sources in Damascus, these plans depend on relations being limited for now to the return of Hamas as a resistance faction only. It will also form part of a delegation representing all resistance factions without having any individual representation in Syria. 

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In a statement to Al-Watan, Popular Struggle Front Secretary-General Khaled Abd al-Majid explained that the head of the Hamas delegation to visit Syria is Khalil al-Hayya, the movement’s Arab relations representative. Abd al-Majid added that they are waiting for the appointment to be set by the brothers in Syria.

Abd al-Majid pointed out that the information leaked on Sunday from the Gaza Strip regarding the visit of the Hamas delegation to Damascus will be after the end of the dialogues in Algeria. 

Although nothing official has been issued in Syria so far, Syria, by its readiness to receive Hamas, confirms the stability of its position on the approach of resistance and from the resistance factions–not from any organization with other goals. Therefore, Hamas confirmed in its statements its readiness as a Palestinian faction in the resistance movement, its determination to build and develop solid relations with Syria. 

He continued: “I believe that Syrian policy stems from a firm vision of the nature of the conflict with the Zionist enemy. I believe that the return of the relationship contributes to strengthening the confrontation of the Zionist occupation and its repeated aggressions, whether in Palestine or Syria”. 

With the outbreak of the crisis in Syria in mid-March 2011, Hamas sided with the terrorists and formed cells including the terrorist organization Aknaf Bait al-Maqdis in the Yarmouk camp south of Damascus. The organization also transferred the experience of tunnels in the Gaza Strip to Syria, despite Damascus’ long embrace of the movement’s leaders and support in Arab, regional and international forums. 

Against this backdrop, the relationship between Damascus and Hamas was severed, and in 2012 the movement’s political figures left Syria, taking up headquarters in Turkey and Qatar, which supported terrorism in Syria. 

These developments come after Hamas issued a statement on September 16th, in which it said that “Syria has embraced the Palestinian people and their resistance factions for decades. This necessitates standing with it in light of the brutal aggression it is experiencing.” Hamas expressed its “appreciation to Syria’s leadership and people, and for its role in standing by the Palestinian people and their just cause.” 

The movement explained in the statement that “It looks forward to the restoration of Syria’s role and place in the Arab and Islamic nations, and supports all efforts for its stability, prosperity and progress.” It also stressed its rejection of any harm to the unity of Syria, noting that “it will continue to build and develop solid relations with Syria.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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