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China: Our Companies Already Begun Contributing to Syria Reconstruction

On June 29th Syria received the second batch of 100 commuter buses donated by China, according to al-Watan.
China: Our Companies Already Begun Contributing to Syria Reconstruction

Chinese Ambassador to Syria Feng Biao told Al-Watan that Syrian-Chinese relations witnessed a great development, especially after the historic call that took place between Presidents Bashar al-Assad and President Xi Jinping, and after the successful visit of Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Damascus.

On Wednesday, June 29th Syria received the second batch of 100 commuter buses donated by China as part of the Chinese efforts to help improve the livelihood of Syrians during the difficult times the country is going through.

Read Also: Chinese Grant for Health and Education in Syria

Chinese Ambassador to Syria Feng Biao and Syrian Minister of Local Administration and Environment Hussein Makhlouf attended the delivery ceremony in the capital Damascus, during which Feng pointed out that Chinese companies have already begun to contribute to the reconstruction in Syria.

He said the Chinese companies are willing to contribute to projects to generate electricity with solar energy, stressing at the same time that with the passage of time more Chinese companies will participate in the reconstruction process in Syria.

The Minister of Local Administration and Environment told al-Watan that his government is grateful for the Chinese gift.

“We in Syria do not forget those who lend us a helping hand, and we cannot compare them to those who steal our crops, oil and our underground wealth and apply the unjust siege on us,” the Minister said.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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