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Guardian Reporter Says Footage of Tadamon Massacre Makes War Crimes Prosecution More Likely

The Guardian Reporter Martin Chulov said that the video had the capability to stoke interest in what is happening in Syria, according to North Press.
Guardian Reporter Says Footage of Tadamon Massacre Makes War Crimes Prosecution More Likely
Guardian Reporter Says Footage of Tadamon Massacre Makes War Crimes Prosecution More Likely

The Guardian Reporter Martin Chulov published a report this week revealing leaked footage of the Tadamon massacre, which took place in the Syrian capital Damascus in 2013. In the footage, a Syrian intelligence officer is seen shooting blindfolded, unarmed civilians and piling their bodies in a mass grave.

In exclusive statements to North Press, Chulov discussed the role of the media and the international community in holding the Syrian government accountable for its war crimes against civilians.

Chulov said that the video had the capability to stoke interest in what is happening in Syria and to prompt the international community to hold the Assad government accountable.

Read Also: Leaked Video Shows 2013 Syrian Regime Massacre in Damascus Suburb

“I think this video may make an impact in terms of getting some war crimes prosecutions launched against Assad’s people and potentially start to bring the net a bit closer to the regime,” he said.

The reporter explained that contrary to what many Syrians believe, there have been real efforts by western media to expose the atrocities committed by the government. He held that foreign policymakers and governments are the ones who have failed to recognize and punish war crimes committed in Syria.“It’s not the journalism that has been at fault here; It’s the policymakers, the governments who haven’t wanted to recognize the full extent of what Syria represents, and the atrocities that the regime has so frequently committed without any punishment,” Chulov added.

As the world is witnessing the evidence of Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine, people now hope that the Syrian government – Russia’s close ally – may also be exposed for its cruelty in an 11-year-old civil war, especially after the latest leak.

“The evidence here is so clear and so strong, and I think there will be more to come, that there is a hope that there could be some momentum here and that we could lead to something which brings justice to Syrian people,” the reporter said.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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