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Britain Opens Investigation into Racist Incidents Against Syrian Refugees

Employees of a company charged by the UK Home Office made racist jokes about refugees drowning on their way to England, according to the Shaam Network.
Britain Opens Investigation into Racist Incidents Against Syrian Refugees
Britain Opens Investigation into Racist Incidents Against Syrian Refugees

The Mirror newspaper revealed that Britain has opened an investigation into “racist” abuse, including jokes about Syrian refugees, committed by employees of a company funded by the British Home Office. The insults were described as “disgusting” by Shadow Immigration Minister Stephen Kinnock, who has called for a review of the government contract with the foundation.   

The newspaper explained that the messages in question were circulated within a WhatsApp group of 80 employees. The messages included “jokes” about Syrian refugees swimming to the United Kingdom. The article pointed out that the company, whose employees sent the messages, accompany immigrants and run detention centers. 

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“They can only stay if they swim all the way,” wrote one member of the group, referring to migrants who arrived by sea. Another replied: “What do you mean from Syria?”   

The Home Office has called for an investigation into the matter, while the government-contracted company, under a 10-year contract for £525 million, has confirmed the suspension of some of its employees. 

Kinnock described the insults as “disgusting”, calling for a review of the contract with the foundation, which deals with 13,000 detainees, and is responsible for deporting illegal immigrants and foreign criminals. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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