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Daraa on Fire: Military Security Leader Killed and Regime Patrol Targeted

The Syrian regime continues to face attacks in Daraa, al-Souria, an opposition website, says
Daraa on Fire: Military Security Leader Killed and Regime Patrol Targeted

The southern Syrian governorate of Daraa has witnessed rapid security events in the past few hours—most notably, the assassination of a leader of the Assad regime’s military security in Daraa.

On Wednesday, local networks reported that Shadi Bajbouj—a.k.a. “al-Aw”—was killed when an explosive device detonated in his car near the Khirbet Ghazala junction in Daraa city. Bajbouj suffered injuries and was taken to hospital, where he succumbed to his wounds hours later.

Bajbouj was a member of Free Army factions in Daraa, before the regime assumed control of the governorate in 2018. He then joined the settlement agreement and became the leader of a group affiliated with Assad’s military security branch in Daraa.


The city of Daraa witnessed a security alert following the assassination on Wednesday. Gunfire was heard from military security personnel around the city.

In other news, unknown assailants targeted a military patrol of regime forces between the towns of Saisa and al-Naima, east of Daraa, on Wednesday. The assailants used an explosive device that injured Assad’s forces, amidst a security alert in the area.

Pro-regime media has not yet announced that a patrol and a military security commander have been targeted in Daraa, amidst a high level of insecurity in the area.

In Nawa, in the western Daraa countryside, Munir Salem al-Abbas al-Mafaalani was killed by unknown assailants after being targeted by direct gunfire, which resulted in his death.

According to media sources, the young man is a civilian and had recently returned from the UAE to Daraa.

Recent weeks in the governorate have witnessed successive assassinations of military and civilian personnel, as well as local council officials, officers, and regular army soldiers in Assad’s forces.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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