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SDF Wants Recognition of Autonomous Administration to Negotiate

The SDF wants the autonomous administration to be recognized in order to engage in a dialogue with the government, according to al-Watan.
SDF Wants Recognition of Autonomous Administration to Negotiate
SDF Wants Recognition of Autonomous Administration to Negotiate

In the al-Omar field in rural Deir-ez-Zor, which is occupied by U.S. forces, SDF commander Mazloum Abdi held a meeting with the Deir-ez-Zor Civil Council and tribal elders (sheikhs).

A statement by SDF stated that any negotiation process with the Syrian government “will not take place without our people in Deir-ez-Zor, Raqqa, Manbij and other areas in northern and eastern Syria,” referring to the directives of the SDF leadership in consultation with the people before reaching any agreement with the various parties located in Syria.

“SDF and all our leadership and administrative institutions studied our 2022 policy and wanted to share it with you,” Abdi said. He noted that the military and civilian administration in northern and eastern Syria continues the anti-corruption campaign and insists on eliminating smuggling operations as well as improving the health and service situation in the region. The most important of these services is improving hospitals and securing the necessary equipment for the work of hospitals in the region.

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Abdi referred to the settlements being implemented by the state in Deir-ez-Zor, claiming that SDF would not allow such things in northern and eastern Syria.

He also referred to what he called the “fixed conditions for the administration of northern and eastern Syria” regarding negotiations with the Syrian government, namely the acceptance of the autonomous administration and the preservation of the privacy of SDF.

In that regard, he stated that there is currently no negotiation or dialogue with the Syrian Government. He considers that there must be a solution in Syria, but not as the State wanted, through reconciliations.

Referring to the pressure exerted by the Turkish regime on the region and its attempts to obtain the green light for new invasions, he stressed that Turkey’s internal situation does not allow it to carry out a military adventure, in addition to the position of international powers regarding the Syrian issue.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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