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President Assad Receives Lavrentiev, Talks Strategic Relations

President Bashar al-Assad received Alexander Lavrentiev with whom he discussed strategic relations between the two countries, according to The Syria Times.
President Assad Receives Lavrentiev, Talks Strategic Relations

President Bashar al-Assad received on Thursday Alexander Lavrentiev, the special envoy of President Vladimir Putin, and his accompanying delegation.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the strategic relations between Syria and Russia and the means of expanding them in the interest of both peoples and countries.

The talks were also about the situation in the region and the efforts exerted by Russia to support the Syrian people in the face of terrorism and sanctions, based on its firm stance on the need to respect the principles of international law and the will of peoples and dialogue as the basic and only way to find solutions to problems and crises in the world.

The discussions tackled the latest developments in the political track, particularly through Astana meetings and the Constitutional Committee.

Lavrentiev briefed President Assad on the ongoing preparations for holding the next meeting through the Astana track, with the two sides affirming the need to continue working on this track without any external interference that may obstruct reaching positive results through these meetings.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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