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Russia and Egypt Say Violence Must Stop in Syria

Russian and Egyptian foreign ministers agree dialogue between the government and the opposition groups must be initiated, and
Russia and Egypt Say Violence Must Stop in Syria


Russian and Egyptian foreign ministers Monday agreed violence must cease in Syria and that said dialogue between the government and the opposition groups based on the Geneva Communiqué must be initiated.


In a statement issued Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he had spoken with his Egyptian counterpart Mohammad Kamel Amro via telephone and that both had stressed the importance of coordination among all opposition groups to prepare for dialogue with the Syrian government, in order to reach a compromise in light of the Russian-U.S. agreement to hold a joint conference on Syria.


Russian deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Lavrov will meet U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council, scheduled to be held in the Swedish city of Kiruna.


In a statement, Ryabkov said the meeting is a follow-up to talks held between the two sides in Moscow last week.


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