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Kurds Support Geneva 2

Statement comes following visit to Moscow of Kurdish delegation
Kurds Support Geneva 2

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Syrian Kurds are ready to support and participate in the so called Geneva 2 initiative for an international conference to settle the conflict in Syria.


The ministry said Michael Bogdanov, the special envoy of the Russian President to the Middle East and deputy foreign minister, received a delegation from the Supreme Kurdish Commission in Syria, for talks in preparation for the conference.


A statement from the ministry said the delegation praised the Russian approach which it said aims to stop violence and work towards a political settlement to the crisis as soon as possible.”


The orientation of the Kurds in Syria has been towards full participation in a settlement process, through a broad national dialogue intended to determine the country’s democratic future and guarantee the rights of all in Syrian society.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry  called for the conference after meeting  last month. The date of the conference has yet to be set.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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