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ISIS Claims Suicide Blast in South Beirut

The ISIS statement was posted on the group's Twitter account
ISIS Claims Suicide Blast in South Beirut

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) claimed responsibility in a statement Saturday for the explosion in the southern neighborhood in Beirut last Thursday, which killed five people and wounded 70 others.


In a statement posted online, ISIS said it had "attacked Hezbollah in its stronghold”, in what it called “the security quarter in the southern neighborhood", on 2 January, 2014.


“This is a small part of the price those criminals should pay,” the statement added, signed by the information ministry of ISIS and posted on the Al-Itisam Institution Twitter account.


The account could not be verified.


The statement said the attack came in response to recent developments in Aleppo and Iraq.


ISIS warned of Free Syrian Army against attempts to control Aleppo, "because it will fall in the hands of the criminal regime within hours.”


“Don’t ask what will happen to you then,” it said, “this is what the regime wants before it could complete its conspiracy at Geneva II".



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