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Christians to Boycott the Elections

The Christians are protesting the Constitution which bars them from the presidency
Christians to Boycott the Elections

The Italian News Agency (AKI) has learned from Syrian Christian political sources that Syrian Christians have largely agreed to boycott the presidemtial election, not because of their opposition to the regime, but to protest against the discrimination of Article III of the Syrian Constitution.


The presidential election will be held on 3 June. 


According to the sources, there are calls from Christians from all sects and political tendencies and parties, to boycott the presidential election, regardless of the candidates in protest against the Article's denial of their right to run for presidency for reasons related to religion.


Article III of the Constitution states that the religion of the President is Islam, and that Islamic jurisprudence is the main source of legislation, which does not allow a Christian to be president in Syria.


The sources said that "Christians, who are a basic and fundamental Syrian component in the community, have the right to boycott such incomplete national elections which detract from their rights of citizenship and reduce their national status"


"Boycotting the election is a democratic right and a civilized method to express their opinion and to deliver a message to the Syrian public opinion. The boycott call is not only related to the elections to be conducted by the regime in early next month, but it is an open invitation for a boycott of any presidential elections in the future, even if the regime falls and the opposition came to power, if the Article III stayed as it is without modification, depriving Christians of the right to run for the presidency and keeping the Islamic jurisprudence as a basic source of legislation," the sources said. 


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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