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‘Friends of Syria’ Delegates Meet in Tehran

Larijani says election will pave the way to a political solution
‘Friends of Syria’ Delegates Meet in Tehran


The second meeting of the heads of National Security and Foreign Policy Commissions of the Parliaments of the states of the real 'Friends of Syria' began on Sunday in Tehran.


Speaker of the Iranian Shura Council, Ali Larijani said that achieving democracy in Syria cannot be fulfilled by force or through weapons, adding "some countries that do not enjoy democracy shed crocodile tears over the crisis in Syria."


He pointed out that the presidential election in Syria raise several important messages and stressed that the Syrian government respects people's will.


"The presidential election in Syria is a call for other countries to stop sending terrorists to Syria and stop committing massacres," Larijani said, hoping that the elections would be successful and opening prospects for a solution to the crisis.


The Speaker stressed that the meeting of the states of Friends of Syria in Tehran constitutes a mechanism of support for holding the presidential election, and these elections emphasis the need for handling the crisis in Syria though a political and democratic solution.


Larijani pointed out that some states saw in the crisis in Syria an opportunity for the Zionist entity, adding that the U.S. acknowledgment of support for militants in Syria is a black spot in its history.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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