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More Wounded 'Terrorists' Moved to Israeli Hospitals from Syria

Media reports say Israel has treated 408 injured fighters so far
More Wounded 'Terrorists' Moved to Israeli Hospitals from Syria

Forces of the Israeli occupation have transferred two wounded terrorists from Syria to the Nahariya Hospital in Galilee in the north of occupied Palestine over the past 24 hours.


The occupation authorities gave conflicting figures about the number of hospitalized terrorists who have been taken from and to the disengagement area in the Syrian Golan for treatment.


The Israeli Walla website reported that two of the wounded who had injuries to the face, limbs and chest were transferred from Syria to Nahariya Hospital, adding that the hospital has treated 408 people so far.


Many terrorist organizations have spread throughout the disengagement zone and gained support from Israel, including the Nusra Front, which is designated by the U.N. Security Council as a terrorist group and should be combated along with ISIS under Chapter VII of the U.N. Charter.


Hospitalizing members of terrorist groups injured during military operations is just one aspect of the unlimited support provided to these groups by the Israeli occupation authorities. This support amounts to no less than the Israeli enemy launching acts of aggression against the Syrian army inside the Syrian territories.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer



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