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Abdah Urges Friends of Syria to End Regime War Crimes in Aleppo

Coalition president calls on friendly nations to take concrete action to end the Assad regime's brutal offensive on Aleppo
Abdah Urges Friends of Syria to End Regime War Crimes in Aleppo

President of the Syrian National Coalition Anas al-Abdah said that the Assad regime’s aerial campaign on Aleppo amounts to a war crime and a crime against humanity.

At a press conference held in Istanbul on Saturday, Abdah called upon the Friends of Syria Group to take concrete action in order to stop the Assad regime’s brutal onslaught on Aleppo.

Abdah told reporters that the Coalition presented four proposals to the Friends of Syria Group, including: a timetable for lifting the sieges across Syria; a timetable for the release of detainees in Assad’s prisons; accountability for breaches of the truce; and a timetable for negotiations.

Abdah stressed the need to develop a timetable for the negotiations before they can be resumed.

Responding to questions on the parading of dead Free Syrian Army fighters by Kurdish militias in the town of Afrin, Abdah said that this act is a war crime whose perpetrators must be held accountable.

The president also pointed out that the Coalition’s General Assembly accepted the resignation of the head of the interim government Ahmad Tomeh, adding that a new prime minister will be assigned by consensus within the next 10 days.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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