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Turkish President Criticizes Killing of Syrian Woman and Child

Turkish government officials have promised to take strong action after the rape and killing of a refugee woman and her child, Alsouria writes
Turkish President Criticizes Killing of Syrian Woman and Child

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan strongly condemned the rape and killing of a Syrian refugee woman which occurred recently in the Turkish city of Sakarya.

The Turkish president said in statements to the press on his way back from the G-20 summit in Germany that the incident was intolerable.

“The incident which occurred with our Syrian sister is a matter which cannot be tolerated. Whoever carried this out has no conscience or heart nor any portion of humanity,” he said.

Turkish police on Thursday discovered the corpses of the woman, Amana al-Rahmoun, and her child in one of the Sakarya forests after her husband informed the police that she had been missing when he returned to the house.

A Turkish court ordered on Friday the arrest of two people charged with the killings.

Turkish Minister of Family and Social Policies Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya said previously that she would personally pursue legal measures in this case.

In a statement Sayan Kaya said that the event was a “bitter and cruel massacre against innocents who fled from oppression to Turkey, which had opened its arms to all.”

She said that 80 percent of Syrians in Turkey were women, children and elderly.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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