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Turkish Forces Shell Syrian Army Base in Aleppo

Turkish forces fired two shells in areas between the villages of Umm Hawsh and al-Wahshiya, according to North Press.
Turkish Forces Shell Syrian Army Base in Aleppo

Turkish artillery shelled on Sunday the vicinity of the Umm Hawsh village in the northern countryside of Aleppo Governorate, near a military base of the government forces.

“Turkish forces fired two shells in areas between the villages of Umm Hawsh and al-Wahshiya, less than one kilometre away from a military base belonging to the Syrian government forces,” an eyewitness told North Press.

Meanwhile, Russian warplanes hover over the region, according to a military source.

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On May 26th, Turkish forces targeted the villages of Smouqa, Shahba Dam and Umm al-Qura, in the northern countryside of Aleppo, with more than 20 shells, a local source told North Press.

The northern countryside of Aleppo Governorate (also known as the Shahba region) houses IDPs of the Kurdish city of Afrin which was occupied in 2018 by Turkey following a military operation called “Olive Branch” to push away the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) under the pretext of maintaining Turkish national security.

The operation caused the displacement of about 300,000 of the original inhabitants of the Kurds of Afrin who have been taking shelter in 40 villages and five camps in the Shahba region since then.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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