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Turkey to Appoint Single Governor for “Safe Zones” in Syria

Although Ankara would usually appoint seven different governors for the areas it controls, a new approach involves appointing only one, according to al-Tareek.
Turkey to Appoint Single Governor for “Safe Zones” in Syria

Turkish media has reported that a single governor will be designated to oversee the “safe zones” in northern Syria. The objective behind this move is to alleviate power conflicts within the region and to effectively manage relations with Turkey. According to the publication Turkiye Gazetesi, previous arrangements had seen Ankara appointing seven governors to coordinate the safe zones in northern Syria. However, this time, the new approach involves appointing only one governor.

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The report outlines the establishment of a fresh system to govern interactions between Turkey and local councils in thirteen distinct areas within northern Syria. Prominent among these areas are Azaz, Jarablus, al-Bab, Tal Abyad, and Ras al-Ain.

The article emphasizes that extensive logistical and technical assistance will be extended to local governing bodies in the safe zones, which have been established through operations such as Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, and Peace Spring. These efforts aim to execute numerous projects aimed at ensuring regional security, curbing outward migration, and facilitating the voluntary return of Syrian refugees.

Furthermore, plans include the establishment of an autonomous economic framework encompassing crucial elements like housing, educational institutions, and medical facilities. This comprehensive approach will span multiple sectors, ranging from agriculture to industry. Turkey is poised to enter a fresh phase in its engagement with local councils operating in northern Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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