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Turkey Condemns Syrian Parliament for Targeting its Territorial Integrity

Turkey on Thursday bashed statements issued by the Syrian parliament that called to “take” the southern Hatay province, according to the Daily Sabah.
Turkey Condemns Syrian Parliament for Targeting its Territorial Integrity
Turkey Condemns Syrian Parliament for Targeting its Territorial Integrity

Turkey on Thursday bashed statements issued by the Syrian parliament that called to “take” the southern Hatay province.

In a written statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry described the parliament as “lacking democratic legitimacy” and “not representing the Syrian people in any manner” while rejecting its words targeting Turkey’s territorial integrity.

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“These kinds of statements are another manifestation of the delirium of a regime that has been oppressing its own people for years, is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents and caused millions to be displaced from their homes.”

For years, the Assad regime has ignored the needs and safety of the Syrian people, only eyeing further gains of territory and crushing the opposition. With this aim, the regime has for years bombed civilian facilities such as schools, hospitals, and residential areas, leading to the displacement of almost half of the country’s population.

The ministry reiterated that Turkey will respond to all threats to its national interests as well as those eyeing its territory.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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