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Terror Attack Kills 9 in Afrin

An explosion has spread terror in Afrin and killed nine people and injured, at least, a further 43 people reports Zaman Al-Wasl.
Terror Attack Kills 9 in Afrin

At least nine people were killed and 43 injured in a terror blast in northwestern Syria on Monday, according to the governor’s office of Turkey’s southern Hatay province.

An explosives-laden small truck detonated in the opposition-held city of Afrin, Anadolu Agency earlier learned from sources on the ground.

An investigation of the attack to identify the people involved continues, said a statement from the governor’s office.

Turkey’s military backed by Syrian opposition forces seized Afrin, a mainly Kurdish district, from the YPG in March 2018 in a major offensive.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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