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Serbian Companies to Invest in Oil Shale to Generate Electricity in Syria

Serbian companies might invest in oil shale to generate electricity in Syria, SANA reports.
Serbian Companies to Invest in Oil Shale to Generate Electricity in Syria
Serbian Companies to Invest in Oil Shale to Generate Electricity in Syria

The possibility of the contribution of Serbian companies to the investment of oil shale to generate electricity was on the table during a meeting between Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Bassam Tomeh and Radovan Stojanovic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Syria.

Syria hopes to profit from Serbia’s expertise, as Serbian production of electricity depends on coal, which is similar to oil shale in the way it is used to produce electricity.

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Talks during the meeting also tackled means to enhance cooperation in the domains of oil, gas, and mineral resources, particularly phosphate as Serbia is an advanced country in manufacturing phosphate fertilizers.

The two sides agreed on exchanging visits and expertise between the technical delegations in the two countries in a way that would enhance bilateral relations between Syria and Serbia.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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