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Ruba Haboush’s Resounding Call: Advocating for Transparency and Renewal in the Syrian National Coalition

Haboush warned against disregarding people's demands and valid criticism, Damas Post writes.
Ruba Haboush’s Resounding Call: Advocating for Transparency and Renewal in the Syrian National Coalition

The Vice President of the Syrian National Coalition has issued a compelling message advocating for increased transparency and communication with the people. In her candid and lucid statement, Ruba Haboush, the Vice President, passionately called for a shift towards positive change and renewal. She emphasized that ‘change is in the air’ and stressed the urgency to move away from deceptive practices and exclusivity, instead urging the opening of channels for transparent communication with the Syrian populace.

Addressing fellow coalition members, Haboush emphasized the necessity of holding ‘open sessions’ for coalition meetings, asserting that concealing actions and decisions is unwarranted. She underscored that this institution belongs to the entire Syrian population, warranting their participation in shaping the nation’s future.

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Haboush firmly rejected the notion of restricting assembly members’ access to political body meetings, characterizing this measure as an attempt to stifle dissenting voices and marginalize differing viewpoints. She candidly stated that such restrictions prevent critical feedback, allowing those in power to maintain their status quo and suppress dissent within the political body.

Haboush expressed discontent with the coalition’s failure to respond to public communication during this pivotal period. She stressed the importance of endorsing peaceful demonstrations in occupied territories and cautioned that the current course of action could subject the coalition to justified criticism, potentially questioning its motives.

In her forthright declaration, Haboush asserted that maintaining a lack of transparency and communication would adversely impact the coalition’s public perception. She emphasized that superficial changes are insufficient; instead, reinstating values like open communication and fostering trust among both coalition members and the general public is imperative.

Concluding her message, Haboush warned against disregarding people’s demands and valid criticism, stating that time is running out for maintaining the status quo. She concluded with a note of concern about the worsening situation, emphasizing that the coalition might face an insurmountable dilemma if substantial changes are not implemented.

Haboush’s poignant message calls for a profound transformation within the Syrian National Coalition—a shift towards transparency, open dialogue, and responsiveness to public voices. Embracing this change might enable the coalition to rebuild trust and positively impact the Syrian landscape.

Haboush’s message comes amidst ongoing elections and external pressures within the coalition’s corridors. It’s evident that internal divisions have become public, adding to the complexity of the situation.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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