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Peoples’ Assembly Debates Elections Law

The bill aims at regulating the election of the president, members of the parliament and members of the local administrative councils
Peoples’ Assembly Debates Elections Law

The Peoples' Assembly continued dsicussions on Thursday on articles of the general elections bill after approving Articles 1 to 9 in Wednesday's session.


The bill aims, based on article 2, at regulating the election of the president, members of the parliament and members of the local administrative councils.


The bill also regulates popular referendums and securing voters’ rights to elect their representatives freely and fairly.


The People's Assembly approved articles from 10 to 60 on the tasks of the Supreme Judicial Committee, the nomination and elections' committees, constituencies and the number of their seats, the general elections' record and the conditions and measures pertaining to the presidential, parliamentary and local administrations' elections.


Among those was Article 10 which specifies the tasks of the Supreme Judicial Committee, after one of its items was amended as follows:


"Working on the proper implementation of the rules of this law, managing the process of presidential election under the supervision of the Supreme Constitutional Court, complete supervision of the election of members of the parliament and the local administration councils and organizing all required measures to maintain freedom of practice, safety, integrity, transparency and control of elections."


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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