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Mekdad in Tehran: Turkish Aggression Would Destabilize Peace & Security in the Region

Faisal al-Mekdad was visiting Tehran on the sidelines of the summit between the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey, according to the Syria Times.
Mekdad Tehran
Mekdad in Tehran: Turkish Aggression Would Destabilize Peace & Security in the Region

The Minister of expatriate and foreign affairs Faisal al-Mekdad stated that any Turkish aggression on Syrian territories and the establishment of the so-called “safe zone” would destabilize peace and security in the region.

During a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian in Tehran, Mekdad said” We reject the Turkification policies and the Turkish interference in Syria’s internal affairs, and all illegal foreign forces on the Syrian territories have to leave “.

“We are satisfied with the efforts exerted by Syria’s friends in Iran to come up with a balanced statement at the Astana summit that affirms Syria’s unity, sovereignty and independence” Mekdad added.

Mekdad recalled that “the American occupation forces continue to loot Syrian wealth in cooperation with their satellite  separatist militias, that should stop seeking protection from the foreigner and should to return to the homeland.”

He stressed that “those affiliated to the Americans should not give Turkey any cover to justify its invasion of Syrian territory.”

Abdollahian stated, ” the summit in Tehran yesterday stressed the need to combat terrorism until it is defeated.” Stressing “the importance of respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and resolving the crisis in political means.

“We are concerned regarding the terrorist organizations mounting activities in northern Syria. The American forces continue supporting these terrorist organizations and the presence of these forces is destabilizing security and stability there and have to leave immediately,” he added.

He reiterated Iran’s condemnation of the Israeli aggressions, pointed out that it indicates the weakness that the Zionist entity suffers from, whose destiny will be to demise.

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He added that he discussed with Mekdad “the reconstruction process of what was destroyed by terrorism in Syria and facilitating the return of the displaced and refugees”, stressing that the relations between the two countries are strategic and that Iran will continue supporting Syria in all domains”.

Astana guarantors reiterate Syria’s sovereignty

Also in Tehran, the guarantor states of the Astana process (Russia, Iran and Turkey), reiterated their firm commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, proceeding with the counter-terrorism campaign, and dismissed separatist schemes aimed at undermining Syria’s sovereignty.

In a presidential communique published after the tripartite summit held in Tehran on Wednesday, the presidents affirmed their firm commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity and the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, stressed the need to respect these principles by the international community, expressed their determination to continue coordination to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

The statement presidents affirmed “constant coordination to uproot all terrorist groups, institutions and entities,” noting that “the crisis in Syria could only be solved via a Syrians-led political process facilitated by the United Nations”.

The three presidents asserted “the need to guarantee a safe and voluntary return of refugees and the internally displaced persons to their homes” and called on “the international community to make effective contributions to this process and to support recovery projects and basic infrastructure.”

The heads of the guarantor states “condemned the continuation of the Israeli aggression on the Syrian territories,” and stressed that these aggressions “violate the international law, Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, destabilize the region and increase tension.

The presidents agreed to assign their representatives to prepare for the 19th international meeting on Syria in the Astana format by the end of this year and to hold the next tripartite summit in Russia.

In a press conference, the Iranian president Ibrahim Raisi said that” the US illegal presence in Syrian Jazeera is unjustified under any pretext and the U.S. occupation forces have to leave that region and that all Syrian regions be under the state dominance.

The Russian president Vladimir Putin that “the three countries share the same views on a political settlement in Syria under UN Resolution No.2254 and to abide by all the necessary principles to respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and that the future of Syria will be decided by its people without prejudgments.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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