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Jaafari: Some Countries Try to Repeat What Happened in Iraq in Syria Using Fabricated Lies Related to WMDss

Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari has accused some countries of trying to fabricate the conditions for an aggression against Syria writes SANA.
Jaafari: Some Countries Try to Repeat What Happened in Iraq in Syria Using Fabricated Lies Related to WMDss

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, reiterated Syria’s rejection of any future conclusions of the fact-finding mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) about the alleged use of chemical substances in Douma on Apr. 7, 2018. 

Jaafari’s speech came during a meeting in New York on Tuesday about allegations of chemical weapon use in Douma.

“Some countries are trying to repeat what happened in Iraq and find pretexts to launch an aggression against Syria, but we will not allow that,” he said. 

Jaafari stressed that since the fact-finding mission was established, it has not fulfilled its mandate in accordance with the provisions of the OPCW. 

The mission, according to Jaafari, conducts its investigations from afar, depends on what it calls open sources, touches upon serious political issues and falsifies the facts in violation of the mandate given to it. 

He said that all the leaked information, especially the important report of the expert in the OPCW Ian Henderson, one of the members of the mission, contradicts the report issued by the head of the Office of the Director-General of the organization. 

“Henderson recognized that the results of the report of the organization are not compatible with reality and contradict engineering studies. He cast further doubts on the credibility of the final report and clearly showed the validity of the opinions expressed by several delegations in the OPCW,” al-Jaafari clarified. 

According to the Syrian diplomat, the importance of Henderson’s report is based on a fundamental point that the two supposed chlorine cylinders that were found in two places in Douma were placed manually and this unequivocally demonstrates that the alleged use of chlorine as a weapon in Douma it was fabricated.

Jaafari indicated that the fact-finding mission visited the site of the alleged incident, but the mission was prevented from participating in preparing the Douma report issued by the OPCW fact-finding. 

“It is time for the United Nations to take concrete and immediate measures to safeguard the independence, position and credibility of the OPCW, and not allow some countries to destroy the organization as happened with the League of Nations and their attempt to destroy the United Nations,” he said. 

“Some countries are trying to repeat in Syria what happened in Iraq; using allegations and fabricated lies related to weapons of mass destruction to find a pretext for aggression,” Jaafari said. 

He added that the United States that invaded Iraq. worked to falsify documents issued by various missions and committees to justify the invasion, ignoring that these missions confirmed the absence of any weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. 

Jaafari stressed that “Syria will not allow that to happen”, calling on the member states that believe in international law and the Charter of the United Nations to raise their voice against these attempts.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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