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Iran is Willing to Mediate More Prisoners Exchange

Iran expressed its satisfaction with the recent exchange of 10 prisoners between the SNA and the Syrian government, according to North Press.
Prisoners Exchange Between Syrian National Army and Assad Regime Iran
Iran is Willing to Mediate More Prisoners Exchange

Iran showed willingness to pay efforts for coordination and facilitation of more abductees and prisoners exchange between the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) and the Syrian government.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, as one of the three guarantors of the Astana peace process, is pleased with the recent successful exchange of abductees and prisoners at Abu Zandin crossing in the eastern countryside of Aleppo,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, said.

Read Also: Prisoners Exchange Between Syrian National Army and Assad Regime

“Iran wants parties involved to make more efforts to coordinate and facilitate prisoner exchanges in the future,” he added.

The prisoner swap was carried out on December 17, 2021, under the supervision of Iran and Russia by the Syrian Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and saw the release of 10 captives by the Syrian government and opposition, according to Tehran Times.

“Iran is trying to increase the number of prisoner swaps through the Astana guarantors, the Red Cross, the Syrian Red Crest, and the Syrian sides and boost measures to build confidence between the two sides,” Khatibzadeh noted.

It is worth mentioning, the two parties [the government and opposition] conducted previous exchange processes the last of which was in July.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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