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French Parliamentarians Voice Support for Syrian People on Damascus Visit

Five-member delegation visits capital's cultural and religious sites on trip they say is to "convey a message of peace to all the Syrian people"
French Parliamentarians Voice Support for Syrian People on Damascus Visit

A French parliamentary delegation visited the Syrian capital Damascus late last week to witness the reality of events in the war-torn country on behalf of the French people.

In statements to SANA, delegation members said the trip shows the French people’s solidarity with the Syrians, noting that France has a real desire to reestablish ties with Syria.

The delegation expressed hope that the Syrian army will liberate more areas from the grip of militants, while French senator Jean-Pierre Vial stressed the importance of the Syrian army’s victories in the war against terrorism, particularly its recent recapture of the ancient city of Palmyra.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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