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Ankara’s Conditions for Halting Military Operation in Syria

Ankara wants the return of Syrian regime institutions as an alternative to the SDF, according to Baladi News.
Ankara’s Conditions for Halting Military Operation in Syria

Turkish official sources said that Russia is making efforts to meet Turkey’s demands in northern Syria in order to avoid a ground operation that the Turkish army may launch against Kurdish units in the region, according to Qatar’s Al Jazeera.

The sources pointed out that Turkey conditioned the withdrawal of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces – which consists mainly of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units – from Manbij, Ain al-Arab and Tal Rifaat in the countryside of Aleppo.

Washington Offer to Ankara to Avoid Military Operation Against Kurdish Units in NE Syria

They added that Ankara also conditioned the return of Syrian regime institutions as an alternative to the SDF, including security forces and border guards.

The same sources stated that Turkey has given a time limit to meet its conditions. Otherwise the alternative will be a military operation that includes the mentioned areas.

For more than a week, Turkish bombardment has continued on SDF positions in northern Syria as part of an operation that Ankara has dubbed “the claw – the sword.”

Turkey launched its military operation a week after accusing the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) – based in Iraq – and the SDF in Syria of being behind the bombing of Istiklal Street in Istanbul that killed six people and wounded 81 others.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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