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Amendment of Adana Agreement on Agenda of Upcoming Talks with Turkey

A source told the pro-government al-Watan that the upcoming talks will discuss the definition and identification of terrorism.
Amendment of Adana Agreement on Agenda of Upcoming Talks with Turkey

An Arab diplomatic source informed the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan that the agenda for the upcoming Russian-Turkish-Syrian-Iranian meeting is likely to be finalized, with the meeting expected to take place at the end of September.

Regarding the agenda’s contents, the source mentioned that it will likely include discussions on the definition and identification of terrorist groups, as well as establishing a mechanism for cooperation between Damascus and Ankara in combating terrorism. Additionally, the agenda is expected to outline a timetable for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syrian territory, contingent on the completion of previous agreements related to combating terrorism to ensure border security.

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The source also noted that revisiting the amendment to the Adana Agreement, previously suggested as a new framework for Syrian-Turkish cooperation in border security, may be included in the talks.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently stated, “It is necessary to prepare for a new meeting, and I am confident it will be held very soon. We are undoubtedly interested in normalizing relations between our partners in Damascus and Ankara.

“It is noteworthy that President Bashar al-Assad addressed the path toward Syrian-Turkish rapprochement during his speech in the People’s Assembly on August 25, emphasizing, “The restoration of normal relations with Turkey hinges on their withdrawal and the eradication of terrorism. We did not send troops to occupy territory in a neighboring country, nor did we support terrorism to harm neighbouring people. The first step towards a solution is honesty, not flattery; we must identify the mistake without arrogance.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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