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400 Families Benefit from Russian Food Aid in Lattakia Countryside

The Russian Coordination Center distributed on Tuesday food aid among the locals of 400 families in Beksa village, north of the Lattakia province, according to SANA.
Russian Aid Lattakia
400 Families Benefit from Russian Food Aid in Lattakia Countryside

The Russian Coordination Center distributed on Tuesday food aid among the locals of 400 families in Beksa village, north of the Lattakia province.

Representative of the Russian Coordination Center, Alexander Sasha, told SANA reporter that the Russian Federation continues to provide aid in various Syrian regions, asserting nearly 500 packages have been distributed for the families of the martyrs and the needy families in the Lattakia countryside village.

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For his part, Mayor of Beksa Mohamed Mutaowaj, said that the aid targeted the families of the martyrs and the wounded who sacrificed their blood in order to defend the homeland, the poorest families, the elderly, widows, the chronically ill, and the helpless.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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