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IDPs in Syria’s Hassakeh Need Winter Supplies

The Washokani camp is a house for nearly 16.000 IDPs coming from the city of Sere Kaniye, according to North Press.
IDPs in Syria’s Hassakeh Need Winter Supplies

Internally Displaced People (IDP) of the Washokani camp in the west of Hassakeh have not got heating fuel so far, amid the temperature drop and rainfall the region of northeast Syria has been witnessing for days.

Washokani camp is a house for nearly 16.000 IDPs coming from the city of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain) and its countryside.

As a result of the military invasion of Sere Kaniye, north of Hassakeh, and Tel Abyad, north of Raqqa, in October 2019 by Turkey and its affiliated armed opposition factions, also known as the Syrian National Army (SNA), nearly 300.000 people fled their homes, according to data given by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES).

Ghanem, who hails from the town of Tel Halaf, west of Sere Kaniye, fears fuel distribution to be delayed more, especially since his family is consisted of five children, including a baby.

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Due to his bad economic situation, he could not purchase winter clothes for his family members. He appealed to international organizations to extend aid and provide winter supplies to confront the coldness in the camp.

Worn-out tents exacerbate the bad situation, where rainwater leaks into them.

Saad Rammo, a relations official at the camp, said they face great difficulty in securing IDPs’ needs due to the large number of population and limited capability of the AANES.

Some organizations promised to distribute four litres of heating diesel for each tent per day and for three months – December, January and February – Rammo added.

He pointed out that there are 400 families have not been included in the distribution list because they do not have tents to reside in, rather they share tents with other families, saying, “We did our best to include them in the distribution lists, but there were no response from the organizations.”

Lack of blankets, mattresses and clothes in addition to not replacing the worn-out tents with new ones has exacerbated the situation of the IDPs.

“The response of the organizations in supporting the IDPs is so weak,” Rammo noted.

He called upon the organizations to take the situation of the IDPs into consideration and support them “because they live in dire conditions.”

Galiya Muhammad, 39, a displaced woman from Sere Kaniye countryside, said that four litres per day are insufficient, especially in light of leaking winds and rainwater into the tent.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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