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What Obama Doesn't Understand About Syria

The U.S. policy to defeat the Islamic State is doomed to failure. Here’s how to fix it.
What Obama Doesn't Understand About Syria

The current U.S. strategy to destroy the Islamic State is likely doomed to fail. In fact, it risks doing just the opposite of its intended goal: strengthening the jihadis' appeal in Syria, Iraq, and far beyond, while leaving the door open for the Islamic State to expand into new areas.


This is in large part because the United States so far has addressed the problem of the Islamic State in isolation from other aspects of the trans-border conflict in Syria and Iraq. Unless Barack Obama's administration takes a broader view, it will be unable to respond effectively to the deteriorating situation on the ground.


The good news is that the White House can still change course — and indeed, President Obama has reportedly requested a review of his administration's strategy in Syria. In crafting a new way forward, the White House needs to understand three points about the Islamic State and the military landscape in which it operates. READ MORE…


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