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Opinion: Know Your Enemy

In an op-ed for the loyalist Syrian Now site, Assad's chief propagandist points the finger at Israel for planning the fragmentation of the region and the attempted downfall of Syria
Opinion: Know Your Enemy

For 20 years, I have been following as much as I can about what is imposed on our country by the Israel. Despite the sophisticated media coverage of the enemy in covering up its crimes, it has today become clear that it is the first beneficiary of the so-called Arab Spring. If the law of detecting crimes says “look for who benefits,” then this entity has the upper hand in planning all the crimes which have been carried out in our Arab world, and not just in Palestine.

Before the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, dozens of studies were issued by Israel regarding the dangers awaiting the world due to Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and about the need to end the madness of Saddam Hussein. I remember that in 2002 I read a booklet on the Israeli media plan to provide legitimacy — indeed, necessity — to the war on Iraq in global public opinion. In one of the pieces of advice for media professionals to respond to any embarrassing question, the author of the book said: You do not have to do anything more than repeat two words: “Saddam Hussein.”

Today, after ISIS nears the end of its mission to destroy and kill in Iraq and Syria, light has been allowed to shine on this issue, ensuring the West can continue to claim neutrality of knowledge. A United Nations study found that fighters in Syria lack a basic understanding of Islam, further claiming that economic factors, social marginalization and promises of a luxurious life, money and even wives, were behind the conscription of these mercenaries from various corners of the world.

After Syria has foiled all their plans with steadfastness and the sacrifices of its people, its army and an alliance of brothers and friends, the strategic reports issued by Israeli research centers praise the role which this entity played through its call for the continued deep interference of the U.S. and the continuing draining of Syria. If the defeat of terrorism was completed, then the focus needed to be on dividing Syria into small, weak entities. If this proves difficult, then they must call for help from people who can guarantee keeping Syria out of the axis of resistance and engage it with those who want to normalize this entity.

In the same studies, we find a continued focus on the danger of U.S.-Russian rapprochement with the call to transform ISIS into a guerrilla organization active in the heart of Syria and Iraq’s desert from which it sprung, like its groups in the Sinai Peninsula. This indicates with full clarity that Israel is the sponsor of these groups in these countries and it's eager for it to survive and continue to keep these countries occupied.

The Israeli reports contend that the basic obstacle in the implementation of its plans is that the Syrian state and its institutions, specifically the army, the government and security agencies, have proved surprisingly strong and did not collapse internally as in Libya and Yemen. In July 2017, the Israeli strategic report mentioned four possible scenarios in Syria:

1: A scenario in which the war is decided and there is a clear victory
2: A scenario in which the war continues
3: A scenario in which the state is divided according to the current reality
4: A scenario in which the state system is destroyed. In all their scenarios, they bet on the weakness of the state and its internal fragmentation

Therefore, the defeat of the takfiri project needs to mean for us the beginning of the battle of building and fortification, because the defeat of their project does not necessarily mean the victory of our project, unless we bolster the points of strength in the structure of the state, army and people, eliminate points of weakness, conduct a bold and transparent disclosure of all deficiencies, and chart a path that guarantees the impregnability of the homeland and the people, and the emergence of generations who can carry this message. This would be a wise investment of the sacrifices of the martyrs and the wounded, and raise the level of hope carried by this historic victory, as well as in Arab life and the history of all Arabs.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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