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Syria opposition names Sabra interim chief

The Syrian National Coalition named veteran dissident George Sabra as caretaker leader of the main opposition grouping on Monday, following the resignation of Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib.

The cessation of the fighting as an absolute priority

It is clear that political negotiations would address these guarantees, which are connected to the form of the future regime, as well as its constitutional and legal nature, in addition to the citizenship rights– and before this the Syrian parties that could take part in such negotiations.

Abdullah Gül: The View From Ankara

Our major desire is for Bashar Al-Assad to act realistically, and not to remain detached from reality. His persistence in his current approach means bringing greater and greater ruin to Syria.

UN Refugee Chief: Syria Crisis Could Be Worst Ever

The UN’s high commissioner for refugees, António Guterres, told London’s Guardian newspaper that the fighting in Syria was the worst humanitarian disaster since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and was already more destructive than the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Brahimi Urges U.N. Action on Syria Stalemate

U.N.-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi on Friday urged the Security Council to come together on Syria, venting frustration with all sides while denying rumors he plans to resign.

Syrians can be reconciled – through negotiation, not violence

The SNC is fragile, and more likely to implode than become institutionalised. This is highlighted by three issues: the political initiative of its then president, Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, in proposing talks with the regime; the decision in Istanbul to form a Syrian government in exile; and the fact that Syria’s seat in the Arab League was handed over to the SNC at the recent meeting in Doha.

Summary of the Speech of Sheikh Moaz Al Khatib in

In the history of Syria during the times of the Ottoman empire, there were courts that were established in order to settle disputes amongst people but in the first three years not even one person entered them due to the fact that people were able to resolve their issues amongst themselves in the four known references that were present in society at the time which were developed by themselves.

Brahimi Considers Resignation as Arab League Envoy

Observers speculate that the Arab League’s decision to grant the opposition National Coalition Syria’s seat at the Doha summit led to Brahimi’s position being undermined. The envoy himself has said that he would prefer to resign from his position with the Arab League and maintain his role with the UN.

Statement regarding Russia’s continued Arms support of Assad

The Syrian people find no justification or excuse of Russia’s continued arms support of an authoritarian regime adamant to hold on to power, against the will of the people, and at the expense of thousands of lives.

Al-Jaafari: Syria Serious in Cooperating with UN to Uncover Reality

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, stressed that Syria supports all efforts exerted to put an end to all forms of sexual violence in case of armed conflicts and punishing the perpetrators, adding that Syria wishes to cooperate with the UN to uncover the reality of the situation in Syria far from politicization.

Obama and the Syrian Caricature

In Syria, the US is not seated behind NATO troops, but rather behind the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Al-Nusra Front. Washington is allowing all of these groups to lead in the hope that it will reap the last-minute benefit: seeing Assad removed from power with the least possible effort.

PM Reiterates Call on All Syrians to Take Part in National Dialogue

Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi, expressed happiness for this meeting with those people who underwent the experience of taking up arms and who suffered its repercussions to become convinced that amity and tolerance are the only hope for the Syrian people.