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Foreign actors

Damascus: Erdogan assures his involvement with Israel

Sana: “the bravery of Erdogan reveals in sending chemical weapons to terrorists in Syria, in explosive cars and in training terrorists who kill people and destroy graves and mosques and in stealing factories”.

Israel ‘Playing with Fire’: Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi Monday condemned Israeli strikes on Syria, saying Israel was “playing with fire.”

Syrians Will Decide Their Own Fate: Mehmanparast:

The Syrian people alone must be responsible for deciding their destiny through free elections and without foreign interference, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Monday.

Israel Will Pay For Aggression in Syria: Abdullahian

Israel will pay the price for its aggression against Syria, assistant foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian said during a meeting with the Syrian ambassador to Iran, Adnan Mahmoud Monday.

Ghalioun sees in the aggression an occasion to regain the unity of Syrians

The former president of Syrian National Council Mr. Burhan Ghalioun said teh Israeli raids happened while the regime’s mercenaries continue to commit terrorist massacres in the coastal towns and cities in order to avenge and terrify the inhabitants in an act of sectarian purge.

Israel Working with Terrorist Groups: Foreign Ministry

The flagrant Israeli attacks on Syrian armed forces sites proves Israel is working with terrorist groups, including the al-Qaeda aligned jihadist Nusra Front, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said Sunday.

Cabinet says Israeli Aggression Risks Escalation

The Syrian cabinet denounced Israeli aggression in Syria as a blatant violation of its sovereignty, territory and airspace, in an extraordinary session held Sunday.

Opposition Statement on the Israeli Strikes

The Coalition holds the Assad regime fully responsible for the attack, by weakening the Syrian Army and exhausting its forces in a losing battle against the Syrian people; who are the sole reasonfor its existence.

Opinion: Syria and Israeli Air Strikes

Two messages can be read from the Israeli raids on Syria, which took place today and on Friday evening and were subsequently confirmed by American officials.

Interview with Dr. Daniel Serwer on Transition in Syria

SJAC interviews Dr. Daniel Serwer, who brings his expertise to bear upon issues of transitional justice in Syria. Dr. Serwer is a Professor of Conflict Management, as well as a Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Two Orthodox Bishops Held in Syria Freed

Two Orthodox bishops reportedly kidnapped by rebels in northern Syria have been released, an association of Middle Eastern Christians on Tuesday said in a statement citing Syrian sources.

Looking for Plan B in Damascus

Although it was never likely to lead to a victory so decisive as to turn the tide against the rebels and silence its critics, it has forced both the rebels to re-examine their tactics and some of their assumptions about the ongoing struggle.

Syria Took Decision to Fight Terrorism, Go to Dialogue: Information Minister

Syria’s Minister of Information Omran al-Zoubi says the “hostile acts” against Syria coming from western, Arab and regional countries including the smuggling of weapons and terrorists through their territories to perpetrate their crimes against the Syrian people and loot the Syrian oil.