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Constitutional Committee Co-President Hadi al-Bahra Issues Statement

Hadi al-Bahra has highlighted the importance of the Constitutional Committee and insisted that the work will continue, despite the recent positive coronavirus test results.
Constitutional Committee Co-President Hadi al-Bahra Issues Statement

The following statement by Hadi al-Bahra was published on his Facebook page.


With the launch of the third session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee today, we are working hard, carrying in our hearts and minds the hopes and aspirations of millions of tired Syrians, a heavy burden that their continuous suffering of nearly ten years has created.

More than half of our country’s infrastructure has been destroyed, its economy is on the brink of collapse, state institutions are falling behind, while the remaining limited resources are at the mercy of corruption. No Syrian can imagine further victories at the expense of what is left of our homeland, which we all loved and sacrificed for. Half of our people are displaced from their country, and more than half a million Syrians, most of them civilians, have been killed and wounded without any mercy.

In the midst of the negotiations, tens of thousands of Syrians are still detained or forcibly disappeared, which forces us to raise our voice loudly to save them from this hell, which should be a top priority for us all. The release of the detainees today would enhance the confidence of everyone and contribute to the healing of the wounds of their families, all the while enabling us to turn this painful page, and move forward in our quest to achieve comprehensive justice for all Syrians.

Most Syrians, including the international diaspora, are convinced that a bloody military solution is not viable, and that salvation must be through a political solution that implements Security Council Resolution 2254, which established a solution that was agreed upon by all parties in the Constitutional Committee, by virtue of their participation in the constitutional process.

Despite the delay caused by the spread of the coronavirus the world over, we have continued to work positively towards the constitutional process as a whole, and we strive to shorten the lead-up in order to end the suffering of our people. The decision lies in the hands of the Syrians, and they are the only ones who are able to put an end to the bloodshed and stop the suffering. We will continue to work without interruption in Geneva to fulfil our collective mission and fulfil the promise we made to the Syrian people to achieve a transition to peace and justice.

Protecting the rights of the Syrian people is a national duty, and we take the Constitutional Committee seriously as it is the only way to ensure their protection. We consider this new constitution to be the gateway to a new Syria, where all citizens enjoy equal rights and duties, regardless of any other consideration.

We are fully committed to the success of this noble and necessary mission for the sake of the salvation of our people, as it is the only key to a solution to the Syrian tragedy.

Our people have been waiting impatiently for salvation, deliverance from their pain, and the fulfillment of their aspirations for a free, dignified and affluent life. Unfortunately, it was revealed that four members of the committee tested positive for the coronavirus, according to today’s test results, which required us to suspend the committee’s meetings and place all members under quarantine for a period ranging between two to 10 days, according to the instructions of the medical services in Geneva.

During this period, we will continue our work with representatives of the negotiating body in the committee through virtual means. We will also discuss with the special envoy possible options to pursue work at the earliest moment, as allowed by the health authorities in Geneva. Our prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery are with all those affected.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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