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Violent Explosions Shake Idlib as Russian Airstrikes Kill and Injure Civilians

One particularly devastating strike hit a sawmill near Idlib city, killing 5 people and injuring over 10 workers, some of whom remain in critical condition, Syria TV writes.
Violent Explosions Shake Idlib as Russian Airstrikes Kill and Injure Civilians

Russian warplanes intensified their bombardment of Syria’s northwestern Idlib province on Wednesday evening, resulting in civilian casualties and significant destruction. According to military observatories, three Russian jets launched coordinated double strikes on various villages and towns across Idlib, using vacuum and concussion missiles. The attacks left 5 civilians dead and several others wounded, with extensive damage reported in the affected areas.

Local residents described hearing powerful explosions throughout the province, including in the cities of al-Dana, Atmeh, and Sarmada near the Syrian-Turkish border. Observers noted that each of the three air raids involved two missiles, targeting the southern and western outskirts of Idlib city, the vicinity of Maarat Misrin in the northern countryside (near a camp for displaced people), as well as the outskirts of the towns of Martina, Filoun, Nahlia, and Maatrim in the southern countryside.

Idlib Factions Prepare for “Any Military Developments”

One particularly devastating strike hit a sawmill near Idlib city, killing 5 people and injuring over 10 workers, some of whom remain in critical condition. 

Escalation in Idlib

Idlib has been experiencing a marked military escalation by regime forces for weeks, but the intensity has increased significantly in the past three days. Russian airstrikes have surged, with dozens of raids causing additional civilian casualties and widespread infrastructure damage. Alongside the air assaults, regime forces have continued artillery and missile shelling across northwestern Syria, resulting in the death of a young girl in Idlib’s southern countryside and a young man in Atareb, west of Aleppo.

The intensifying violence has forced dozens of families to flee from villages near the frontlines to safer areas closer to the Turkish border. Aid organizations warn that continued displacement could further strain the already overcrowded camps in the northern region, compounding the humanitarian crisis.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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