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Hamas Confirms Resumption of Relations with Regime: Syrian Disregard

Hamas issued a statement stressing its intention to build and develop "solid relations" with the Syrian regime, according to Enab Baladi.
Hamas Confirms Resumption of Relations with Regime: Syrian Disregard

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance movement (Hamas) issued a statement stressing its intention to build and develop “solid relations” with the Syrian regime, as part of its decision to resume its relationship with it.   

The statement issued on Thursday, entitled “One nation in the face of occupation and aggression”, said that the “movement” (Hamas) stands with Syria, in light of the “brutal aggression” to which Syrian territory is exposed, referring to the Israeli strikes, and what it described as “attempts to divide Syria and keep it away from the Palestinian cause.” 

Hamas stressed through the statement its condemnation of the repeated Israeli bombardment of Syria, and singled out the bombing of Damascus and Aleppo airports. 

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The group has repeatedly condemned any Israeli shelling of regime areas after it occurs.   

The movement expressed its appreciation for the regime for standing with the Palestinian cause, with the hope of restoring its Arab and Islamic status, in a reference by Hamas to the efforts of some Arab countries to restore relations with the regime and activate its seat at the Arab summit.   

Hamas’ statement was preceded by a meeting with the head of the movement’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, at the head of a delegation, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on September 12th. 

So far, there has been no official reaction from the Syrian regime to Hamas’ statement. Hamas has made numerous announcements about its intention to restore relations with Damascus without provoking any official reaction from the Syrian regime, while local media and pro-regime figures have continued to state the usual narrative attacking the movement.   

The first announcement of Hamas’ decision to restore its relations with the regime came on June 21st, via Reuters, which quoted an unnamed source from within the movement as saying that the two sides held several “high-level” meetings to reach this decision. There was no confirmation or denial by the Syrian regime about restoring relations with Hamas.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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