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Cabinet Recommends To Observe Markets, Punish Price Manipulators

On Tuesday, the cabinet suggested the strict monitoring of markets to crackdown on price manipulators, reports The Syria Times.  
Cabinet Recommends To Observe Markets, Punish Price Manipulators

The cabinet recommended on Tuesday to strictly monitor markets, control prices and apply the most severe penalties against manipulators in subsidized materials, calling on the ministers to hold field tours to the markets and be transparent with all citizens.

In a weekly session headed by Prime Minister Hussein Arnous, the Cabinet adopted the first national report of non-governmental and civil society organizations, which aims to organize their structure and provide a credible official reference based on actual data and improved mechanisms. 

The cabinet also approved the amendment of the minimum and maximum limits for the criteria of micro, small and medium projects’ classification, in line with the current situation in terms of the number of workers, the annual sales volume and the equipment.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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