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Free Army Says Regime Pushed Nusra to Storm Maaloula

Fahed Masri said that the regime is attempting to raise concerns of minorities in Syria to sway public opinion against a strike
Free Army Says Regime Pushed Nusra to Storm Maaloula

The spokesman for the Free Syrian Army has said a U.S. military strike is "inevitable" and that it will "break the back of the regime".


Fahad al-Masri described the Syrian regime's agreement to put its chemical weapons under international control as "a desperate attempt to avoid a Western military strike."


Commenting on the willingness expressed by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem to the Russian proposal, Masri, who is head of the Central Media Administration of the Joint Command of the FSA and Syrian Revolutionary Forces, told Italian news agency(AKI)  that "there is no deal between the Syrian regime and the U.S. but there are miserable and desperate attempts  by the regime to circumvent the powerful military strikes that will break its back.".


"What the regime suggests to its Russian ally is only fraud by Bashar Assad and his Iranian ally," he said.


He also said that the regime is attempting to raise concerns of minorities in Syria, particularly Christians, saying the regime "pushed the Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to break into the Christian city of Maaloula and stir up Western public opinion against the Syrian revolution by suggesting the revolutionaries are terrorists."


Translated and edited by the Syrian Observer


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