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Mikdad Says Turkish, French Schemes Against Syria Will Fail

Minister says Syrians will not forget that the Turkish regime has supported, financed, armed and harbored terrorists
Mikdad Says Turkish, French Schemes Against Syria Will Fail

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Faisal Mikdad stressed that attempts of French and Turkish presidents, François Hollande and Recep Tayyip Erdogan to implement their schemes against Syria are "doomed to failure".


In an article published on Saturday by the Lebanese al-Binaa newspaper, Mikdad said what indicates the deep hypocrisy of the French and Turkish policies is that France was leading a campaign to prevent Turkey from joining the  European Union (EU), and accused it of perpetrating massacres against the Armenian people, while the response of Turkish government towards the French stances was no less violent and that both sides have launched fierce media campaigns against each other.


He added that the Syrians who are united against terrorism would not forget that the Turkish regime has supported, financed, armed and harbored the terrorists in Syria and it was involved, with the American and Israeli intelligence, in manufacturing the so-called the” Arab Spring’ to pave the way for the establishment of the Erdogan Ottoman caliphate.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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