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September 2018

Who’s who: Alice Mofrej

Since the start of the uprising in 2011, Alice Mufarrej has worked to reduce violence and promote the voice of women in Syria.

Russia Suggests Delaying Battle for Idleb

The Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria has said that an assault on Idleb could be postponed, but not forever writes Hurriya Press.

Over 19,000 Syrian Kurds Deprived of Citizenship

Despite the issuing of Legislative Decree No. 49 in 2011, thousands of Kurds still lack the basic rights that come with being a registered citizen reports Asharq al-Awsat.

The Faces of the Regime’s Ground Assaults

As part of their media war, the regime has been highlighting a selection of prominent officers in its army writes Enab Baladi.