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September 2018

Our Partner in War Is Our Partner in Reconstruction

Those that have fought with Syria will be welcome to the opportunities that reconstruction will bring, while those that fought against Syria will be shut out writes Al-Watan.

Preparations Continue in al-Ghab Plain

The Free Syrian Army has destroyed a number of bridges to slow down the progress of the regime army, which is expected to attack in the coming days reports Hurriya Press.

Scenarios After Idleb

When the dust settles on the war in Syria, relations will have to be developed and compromises made writes Al-Watan.

Emerging Interests for India in Syria

As reconstruction becomes a hot topic, Syria looks to India for support and investment reports Asharq al-Awsat.

17 Regime Soldiers Killed in August

Tartus has been a key region for the supply of troops to fight in Bashar al-Assad’s army writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Kerry Claims Assad Sought Peace with Israel

The former Secretary of State has written that Assad was willing to enter into peace talks with the Israelis, if it meant the return of the Golan Heights reports Anadolu News Agency.

Raid on the Mezzeh Airbase

The recent attack on the Mezzeh military airbase reveals the interplay between nations and their influence in the region writes Al-Hayat.

US Senator Criticizes American Approach to Syria

Virginia State Senator Richard Black has urged the US and Western states to lift sanctions, after meeting with Presidential Political and Media Advisor Bouthaina Shaaban reports SANA.

ISIS Kills 5 SDF Fighters in Hassakeh

Despite the large amount of territory that has been lost by the group, they are still a deadly force writes Zaman Al Wasl.