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September 2018

Confusion Surrounds the Downing of a Russian Plane

Accusations have been made on all sides after a Russian plane was shot down by Assad’s forces, killing 15 Russian soldiers writes Asharq al-Awsat.

IIIM President: No Peace in Syria Without Accountability

The head of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) in Syria has called on the country to assist in criminal proceedings writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Residents in Idleb Thank Turkish President Erdogan

Following the agreement between Russia and Turkey, residents of Idleb province took to the streets to thank the Turkish President for all his efforts reports Enab Baladi.

New Mass Grave Uncovered in Raqqa

The latest mass grave uncovered in Raqqa contained the bodies of 94 people, which were discovered at the Old Mosque reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Age Gaps Stopping the Approval of Marriage

Courts in Damascus have seen an increase in the number of older couples wanting to get married, some who have a significant age gap reports Al-Watan.

Former Ghouta Medical Workers Arrested

The regime has been arresting women that it accuses of working in hospitals under opposition control in eastern Ghouta reports Ana Press.