On Saturday, the Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Ministry and the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for boosting economic cooperation and commercial exchange between Syria and Brazil.
The MoU was signed by Internal Trade and Consumer Protection Minister Abdullah al-Gharbi and President of the Arab Brazilian Chamber Rubens Hannun.
The MoU stipulates both sides establishing the basis and mechanisms to improve economic and trade relations between the two countries and working towards establishing joint markets, as well as helping businessmen from the two countries to connect and cooperate in investment projects in Syria.
In a statement, al-Gharbi said that the two sides agreed to have a delegation of Brazilian businessmen visit Syria and participate in next year’s edition of the Damascus International Trade Fair.
For his part, Hannun said Brazil is committed to enhancing economic and trade relations with Syria, and that today’s talks paved the way for businessmen from both countries to connect and find ways to develop relations.
This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.