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September 2013

Syria’s Deadly Bureaucracy

A staggering 4.25 million, almost one in five Syrians, are estimated to be internally displaced

Ali Habib as Transitional President

Syrian state television denied on Wednesday Habib had left the country, as well as reports of his defection

Opinion: How does Obama think?

Should Obama not react forcefully, it would be a highly significant message to rogue states across the world that they were free to cross red lines without retribution

Assad’s Media Incites Hatred

Regime media serves to frighten those who support the regime, so they feel threatened by the opposition

Violence Against Children Soars in Damascus

Lawsuits relating to violence against children exceeded 150 cases in Damascus and its countryside during the first six months of 2013.

Why Obama Decided to Wait: Walid al-Bunni

Member in Syrian National Coalition, Walid al-Bunni says he is confident U.S. military intervention in Syria "is inevitable" but says U.S. hesitation is due to