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Regime Morale Collapsing as Pro-Assad Forces Face Heavy Losses in Aleppo: Rebels

Rebel source says regime could be withdrawing from Aleppo's Al-Rabeaa district after losing scores of fighters in recent clashes
Regime Morale Collapsing as Pro-Assad Forces Face Heavy Losses in Aleppo: Rebels

Syrian opposition factions on Monday continued their assault to break the siege on the blockaded areas of Aleppo, rapidly advancing while regime forces suffered heavy losses, a rebel source confirmed to Al-Souria Net.

Ahmed al-Ahmed, foreign relations official in the Sham Legion — one of the biggest groups participating in the battle for Aleppo — said that the number of dead among regime forces and allied militias since the start of the battle were very large, estimated at higher than 60.

Ahmed told Al-Souria Net on Monday that among the dead were fighters from Iraqi militias, including the al-Nujaba Movement, as well as Lebanese militias. He said that these fighters were killed during an opposition assault on the Hikmeh school and the Al-Mahbeh and Al-Masheerfa hills.

The rebel source said that the regime forces’ morale was collapsing, and said that he had information indicating that the regime was withdrawing from the Al-Rabeaa district, adding that there were reports a regime officer inside Aleppo had fled (this could not be verified).

Ahmed noted that the first stage of the battle to break the siege on Aleppo was still underway, and said that some points were still under regime control, but added that the aim of today’s fighting had been taken by opposition forces.

Official Twitter accounts of factions fighting in Aleppo published images of a number of slain regime troops spread throughout the area of the clashes.

The opposition had faced a rapid lightning attack carried out by regime forces which caused the quick loss of a number of strategic points in the southern and southwestern Aleppo countrysids.

The opposition factions took control of the Hikmeh school and its hills, in addition to the Muta hill, Al-Mahbeh and Amariyeh village.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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