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Mekdad Warns: War Could Spread Across Region Unless Israel is Restrained

Mekdad called for an end to the Israeli attacks on brotherly Lebanon, al-Watan reports.
Mekdad Warns: War Could Spread Across Region Unless Israel is Restrained

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Faisal Mekdad reiterated that the Israeli occupation entity would not have dared to commit flagrant violations of international law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights law without the direct involvement of the United States in the aggression and the unlimited political, military, financial, and media support provided by the U.S. administration and a number of its allies to Israel.

In a speech before the ministerial meeting of the Security Council on the item “The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question,” delivered on his behalf by the Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations, Ambassador Qusai al-Dahhak, he pointed out that the crimes of the Israeli entity did not begin on the seventh of October, 2023. These actions are intrinsic to its aggressive nature, racism, and expansionist settlement aspirations. They are a continuation of a long series of massacres, acts of aggression, and terrorism that are well-documented in the records of the United Nations and the memory of our people. These acts have been committed by the Israeli occupation for decades to entrench its presence in the occupied Arab territories, killing and displacing its people and building more settlements to undermine any chance of establishing a Palestinian state.

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He added in his speech, a copy of which was obtained by Al-Watan, “Syria affirms its condemnation of Israeli crimes and demands to stop and hold them accountable and renews its full support for the Palestinian people in their struggle to end the occupation and enjoy their inalienable rights, including their right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and to obtain full membership in the United Nations. Syria rejects all attempts to harm UNRWA and its important role in providing support to the Palestinians in their homeland and host countries, including Syria.”

In his speech, Mekdad called for an end to the Israeli attacks on brotherly Lebanon and safe civilian villages in southern Lebanon, which led to the death of several civilians, the destruction of towns and the displacement of their inhabitants, and the destruction of agricultural lands due to the use of internationally banned white phosphorus.

The Foreign Minister considered that the Israeli aggression on Gaza had dropped all the slogans and allegations made by some Western countries to interfere in the affairs of other countries, exposing their lies and hypocrisy, their lack of human values, and their blatant bias towards the occupation at the expense of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

Mekdad pointed out that the war criminals in the Israeli entity were not satisfied with the blood of tens of thousands of martyrs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank but continued their repeated attacks on Syrian territory. The latest of these was the vicious air aggression that targeted a residential building in the city of Damascus and areas in its outskirts at dawn on Sunday, July 14, which was preceded by a second attack on the vicinity of the Syrian city of Baniyas. He warned that these acts of aggression threaten to spread the flames of war throughout the region and the world unless Israel is curbed in its aggression and held accountable for its crimes.

Mekdad reiterated Syria’s legitimate right to defend its sovereignty, security, and stability and to liberate its occupied land by all means guaranteed by international law. He added, “The Syrian Arab Republic reaffirms its unrelenting determination to raise its flag throughout its national territory after its liberation from the scourges of occupation and terrorism and affirms that the occupied Golan was and will remain Arab Syrian, which is an integral part of its territory. It stresses the important role of the UNDOF and UNTSO missions and the need not to prejudice them or divert them from their primary mandate, which expires exclusively with the end of the Israeli occupation of Arab territories.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.



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