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Bashar and Asma Al-Assad Have Caught COVID-19

The President and his First Lady have tested positive COVID-19, reports SANA.
Bashar and Asma Al-Assad Have Caught COVID-19

The Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic has announced that President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma al-Assad have been infected with the coronavirus, however, they remain in good health and in a stable condition.

News published on the Presidency’s page on Facebook mentioned that after feeling mild symptoms similar to those of infection with the coronavirus, President Assad and his wife conducted a PCR test. The results showed that they are indeed infected with the virus, but remain in good health. They will therefore continue to work during their home quarantine period, which will last for two or three weeks.

The news added that the Syrian President and the First Lady wish safety and well-being for all Syrians and people of the world from this virus, and they call on all Syrians to continue to follow the precautions and preventive measures as much as possible. They also greeted the medical personnel working on the frontlines to confront the virus and alleviate its effects on those infected with it.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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