Colonel Abdul Jabbar al-Ugaydi, the commander of Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo and a prominent figure in the Supreme Military Council, has announced his resignation from the council, slamming what he said was its failure in the eyes of "the majority of the revolutionaries."
An FSA source said that this resignation comes two weeks after the Council's decision to relieve Ugaydi from his position as Commander of Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo.
Ugaydi announced his resignation in a video broadcast on You Tube.
"I declare my resignation from the Supreme Military Council, but I will maintain my position as the Commander of the Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo," he said in the statement.
Ugaydi justified his decision on the basis of what he described as "the major stresses and responsibilities on the leadership of the Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo and the irresponsible behavior of some members of the Supreme Military Council, headed by General Salim Idriss, with their business chatter, positioning and travelling."
Ugaydi said this behavior is considered the main reason of the council's "failure in the eyes of the majority of revolutionaries, who are the most important in this blessed revolution."
He promised to stay with the fighters on the front, saying "I will stay with them and among them as always, not lead them and speak on their behalf from abroad."
Ugaydi was forced to choose between his position in the Supreme Military Council and his position in the Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo, he said, but said he refused to respond to the demand, resulting in his dismissal.
Translated and edited by The Syrian Obsever