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Brahimi Hopes for Geneva 2 in July

The conference would begin with a high-level meeting over two days chaired by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Russia Rejects Arms Deployment in Jordan

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich said Russia rejects of the deployment of foreign weapons in the territories of Syria’s neighboring countries, saying it risked destabilizing the volatile region.

Kurds Support Geneva 2

Statement comes following visit to Moscow of Kurdish delegation

Coalition Will Not Take Part in Geneva 2

The opposition National Coalition will not participate in Geneva 2 conference, while the moderate opposition group, the National Coordination Committee, says it would participate and that its delegation has been finalized

Game Over: Jordan Ambassador

Syria’s Ambassador to Jordan, Bahjat Suleiman said that the American administration will give “decisive orders” to its allies and partners that it is now “Game Over”

Editorial: The Path to Geneva

Syria says it is ready and open to go to Geneva talks with the opposition but the opposition is not

McCain Meets Rebel Leaders Inside Syria

Syrian opposition and pro-government websites reported on Monday that U.S. Senator John McCain had made a brief visit into northern Syria to meet with political and military opposition leaders

Editorial: The Farce in Amman

The Syria Times editor says, “no power whatsoever can save the terrorists from defeat at the hands of the Syrian army, whether in Qusayr, Aleppo, Daraa, Qineitra, or any other part of Syria.”